Prezados Sócios da Sobep,
Esperamos que todos estejam bem e desejamos um excelente princípio de ano a todos.
Professor Willie van Heerden (Universidade de Pretoria - África do Sul) solicitou a circulação dessa palestra para nossa Sociedade. A palestra será on-line e terá início às 14 horas do dia 27/01. Aproveitem essa oportunidade de aprendizado.
Diretoria Sobep
Dear Colleague
All the best for 2022 to you and your loved ones.
We are starting off our Invited Guest Lecture Series for 2022 and on behalf of the Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Biology at the University of Pretoria, we are pleased to invite you to an online lecture to be presented by Dr Brendan Dickson, entitled: *Mesenchymal Tumours of the Head and Neck: Expanding the Role of Ancillary Molecular Testing.*
This will be the first lecture for the year in this Series and promises to be a learning opportunity not to be missed.
*Date: * Thursday 27 January 2022
*Time: * 09:00 am in Toronto, 09:00am EST, 11:00 am in Sao Paulo and Rio, 14:00 in Sheffield, 15:00 in Germany and 16:00 in Pretoria
*Zoom link: *
Looking forward to your online presence. You are welcome to share this invitation among your colleagues.
Best regards
Willie van Heerden
Prof WFP van Heerden