ESTOMATOWEB to the website of SOBEP - Brazilian Society of Stomatology and Oral Pathology
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Dr. Paulo Moraes

Dr. Paulo Moraes,stomatologist, active member of SOBEP speaks of his experience with ESTOMATOWEB.

1. How lon have you been using the ESTOMATOWEB system?

A: Since January 2010, so 1 year ago

2. Where do you use it?

A: In the College and Dental Research Center São Leopoldo Mandic of Campinas / SP

3. How does the system help in their academic and professional activities?

A: 2 years ago we founded a Mouth Disease Treatment Center (MDTC) and in January of this year we started to use the Estomatoweb. I intend to deploy Estomatoweb also in graduation. The big advantage is that we have standardized data easily to extract if necessary for teaching and research.

4. How many patients have you registered in the system?

A: About one hundred and sixty patients. Not a very great statistic, because we need computers to register and we do not always have monitors available. In addition, our service is with only two years of its opening and we are attending new cases once a week, which gives an average of 60 new patients of Stomatology area per month. This statistic does not include the patients of graduation.

5. Do you use the photo archive area?

A: Not yet, but I intend to use it in the future. One of the reasons to still not join the photos is that when the patient passes the triage of the Faculty it performs a whole register scanned with anamnese, digital panoramic radiography, digital photographic documentation, which is available in all clinics of the Faculty. This program was designed by the institution and is the touch screen type.

6. Do you use the integrated clinical and laboratory for histopathological report emission? Do you intend to use it in the future?

A: I intend to, and it will be easy to introduce it in Estomatoweb as we are evolving in the digital registration system, introducing the pathological report.

7. Does the system have a disability that could be corrected in the future?

A: Virtually none. and the few that I noticed were resolved quickly in contact with those responsible for the program.

8. What is the message you leave for other members of SOBEP who still do not use ESTOMATOWEB?

A: The system is very well prepared, very complete and I think everyone should use it. When we forget some important data like the patient return schedule the system hangs and does not allow us to proceed. In addition, the data are stored with absolute confidentiality by password and full security through Back-up done by the provider, besides it can be used by the same professional in various services with different passwords. I intend in 2011 also deploy in a CEO's unit (Dental Specialty Center) where I attend the specialty of Stomatology. But the great advantage is that even if several people join the program we can as I said, given terms standardized Regional, Municipal and State level which would facilitate the extraction of data, especially in multi-center studies.


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A Sociedade Brasileira de Estomatologia e Patologia Oral (SOBEP) é uma entidade científica sem fins lucrativos,
que congrega cirurgiões-dentistas que se dedicam à prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento das doenças da boca.